Clash ToolKit is a army calculator and information source for the popular game Clash of Clans. You can build your army complete with spells and heroes. The army queue will calculate your total cost and time for the complete army, just like in the game. You can set up your own troop, barracks, factories, and camp levels. You can also save your custom armies and load them up at any time. Unlike in the game you are not restricted to saving only three armies. You can save as many as you like, and with as small of variations as you like in an attempt to find that perfect army for an upcoming clan war! We will also soon have a share feature allowing you to share your army and view armies from hundreds of thousands of Clash Toolkit users.
Need to know how much the new lab upgrade with cost? We have you covered. Want to know what town hall you get level 6 Wizards or level 5 Barbarians? We have you covered. With the addition of the Clash of Clans info section you can answer this and much more. A very convenient way to get all the information for your Clash of Clans village. All buildings, troops, spells, traps and heroes are all laid out in an easy to read format so that when you have a question on upgrade or future hitpoints or anything you can get the answer quickly.
-All information on defense, resource, and traps including levels
-All information on troops, spells, and heroes including levels
-List of available new buildings for each town hall level
-New laboratory upgrades at each laboratory level
-Calculate the time and cost of your army
-Customize your army and structures based on level
-Save your custom armies to load later
-Share your custom armies with others (coming soon!)
-View others top and newly shared armies (coming soon!)
*This web site/application is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Supercell. Supercell is not responsible for the operation or content of this site/application. Use of the trademarks and other intellectual property of Supercell is subject to Supercell’s Fan Kit Agreement. For more information about Supercell, please visit their website at
Clash Perkakas adalah kalkulator tentara dan sumber informasi bagi Clash permainan populer dari Klan. Anda dapat membangun tentara Anda lengkap dengan mantra dan pahlawan. Antrian tentara akan menghitung total biaya dan waktu bagi tentara lengkap, seperti dalam permainan. Anda dapat mengatur jumlah pasukan, barak, pabrik, dan kamp Anda sendiri. Anda juga dapat menyimpan tentara kustom Anda dan beban mereka setiap saat. Tidak seperti dalam permainan Anda tidak dibatasi untuk menyelamatkan hanya tiga tentara. Anda dapat menyimpan sebanyak yang Anda suka, dan dengan kecil dari variasi yang Anda inginkan dalam upaya untuk menemukan bahwa tentara yang sempurna untuk perang marga yang akan datang! Kami juga akan segera memiliki fitur share yang memungkinkan Anda untuk berbagi tentara dan melihat Anda tentara dari ratusan ribu pengguna Clash Toolkit.
Perlu tahu berapa banyak laboratorium baru meng-upgrade dengan biaya? Kami telah Anda tertutup. Ingin tahu apa balai kota Anda mendapatkan level 6 Wizards atau tingkat 5 barbar? Kami telah Anda tertutup. Dengan penambahan Clash info Clans bagian Anda dapat menjawab ini dan banyak lagi. Sebuah cara yang sangat mudah untuk mendapatkan semua informasi untuk Clash Anda desa Clans. Semua bangunan, tentara, mantra, perangkap dan pahlawan semua ditata dalam format yang mudah dibaca sehingga ketika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang upgrade atau hitpoints masa depan atau apa pun yang Anda bisa mendapatkan jawabannya dengan cepat.
Informasi -Semua pada pertahanan, sumber daya, dan perangkap termasuk tingkat
Informasi -Semua terhadap tentara, mantra, dan pahlawan termasuk tingkat
-list Bangunan baru tersedia untuk setiap tingkat balai kota
upgrade laboratorium -baru di setiap tingkat laboratorium
-Calculate Waktu dan biaya tentara Anda
-Sesuaikan Tentara Anda dan struktur berdasarkan tingkat
-Simpan Tentara kustom Anda untuk memuat nanti
-Share Tentara kustom Anda dengan orang lain (segera hadir!)
-Lihat Lain atas dan tentara baru bersama (segera hadir!)
* Ini situs web / aplikasi tidak berafiliasi dengan, didukung, disponsori, atau secara khusus disetujui oleh Supercell. Supercell tidak bertanggung jawab untuk operasi atau isi dari situs ini / aplikasi. Penggunaan merek dagang dan kekayaan intelektual lainnya dari Supercell tunduk pada Perjanjian Kit Fan Supercell ini. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Supercell, silahkan kunjungi situs web mereka di
Clash ToolKit is a army calculator and information source for the popular game Clash of Clans. You can build your army complete with spells and heroes. The army queue will calculate your total cost and time for the complete army, just like in the game. You can set up your own troop, barracks, factories, and camp levels. You can also save your custom armies and load them up at any time. Unlike in the game you are not restricted to saving only three armies. You can save as many as you like, and with as small of variations as you like in an attempt to find that perfect army for an upcoming clan war! We will also soon have a share feature allowing you to share your army and view armies from hundreds of thousands of Clash Toolkit users.
Need to know how much the new lab upgrade with cost? We have you covered. Want to know what town hall you get level 6 Wizards or level 5 Barbarians? We have you covered. With the addition of the Clash of Clans info section you can answer this and much more. A very convenient way to get all the information for your Clash of Clans village. All buildings, troops, spells, traps and heroes are all laid out in an easy to read format so that when you have a question on upgrade or future hitpoints or anything you can get the answer quickly.
-All information on defense, resource, and traps including levels
-All information on troops, spells, and heroes including levels
-List of available new buildings for each town hall level
-New laboratory upgrades at each laboratory level
-Calculate the time and cost of your army
-Customize your army and structures based on level
-Save your custom armies to load later
-Share your custom armies with others (coming soon!)
-View others top and newly shared armies (coming soon!)
*This web site/application is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Supercell. Supercell is not responsible for the operation or content of this site/application. Use of the trademarks and other intellectual property of Supercell is subject to Supercell’s Fan Kit Agreement. For more information about Supercell, please visit their website at